By: Total Trainer Team

Functional Fitness UK is the personal training company created by Steve Hollinshead, which aims to provide professional personal training to target specific client needs and goals.
Functional Fitness UK personal training specialisms
Functional Fitness UK has a number of areas of expertise and specialisms, including:
- sports rehabilitation
- sports and remedial massage
- weight loss
- gait analysis
- posture
- strength and conditioning
- core strength
- stability
- ergonomics
- metabolic typing
- cardiovascular training,
- anaerobic conditions
- sports specific conditioning
Functional Fitness UK personal training client testimonial
There is never a better recommendation of a business than from someone who has used the service and enjoyed it. One personal training client speaks about the positive impact Functional Fitness UK personal training has had on her life.
I have been exercising regularly at a gym 3-5 times a week since 1989, but had got to the stage where I needed someone to challenge me and make me push myself. I had also led a sedentary work life which contributed to lower back problems. Consequently, I had signed up for personal training in September 2001 and worked with that trainer for two years, once a week, in addition to training alone. During those 2 years, I achieved some great results which convinced me of the benefits of personal training generally.
In September 2003, my trainer went to work abroad and I changed jobs, moving to an office near Topnotch in Tudor Street in June 2004. By that time I was really missing having a personal trainer, especially for weight training, some of my achievements had been undermined as a result of not maintaining a balanced exercise regime and I had developed a shoulder injury. So I decided to look for a personal trainer at Topnotch Blackfriars to help me fulfil the following objectives:
- Re-motivate myself in terms of exercising regularly
- Develop/improve my “core” stability to reduce the incidence of back
- problems
- Identify the cause of and rectify the shoulder problem
- Improve muscle definition and maintain a leaner figure, with or
- without weight loss
Why did I choose Functional Fitness UK personal traing?
When I joined Topnotch, I was asked what my objectives were in joining the gym. In talking to one of the members of staff, she recommended Steve (of Functional Fitness UK) as someone who was an experienced trainer, who had helped her significantly with her own core stability, who set her a challenging exercise regime and who was good fun. This description fitted what I was looking for!
What benefits have I derived from working with Functional Fitness UK personal training?
Steve’s (Functional Fitness UK personal training) training has resulted in a number of achievements for me and his approach has a number of benefits:
He conducted a thorough induction session when I signed up for a course of training, which established a set of benchmarks against which I could measure my progress, including weight, fat levels, strength and fitness, respiratory capacity and heart rate. This professional approach at the outset instilled great confidence in Steve’s capabilities.
After 10 sessions, these tests were re-run and I had improved across the board – fantastic results in themselves and very motivating. I was fitter and most importantly as far as I was concerned leaner! I have continued training with Steve and have been able to maintain what I think of as my ideal weight, which is 2-3 kg less than when I started training with Steve.
Steve’s work has improved my core stability and my posture is greatly enhanced. This core strength and the amount I have learnt about the importance of maintaining it will have long-term benefits.I was referred to a physiotherapist at the gym who diagnosed the immediate cause of the shoulder problem – his treatment solved the problem, but it was likely to recur without remedial action. Steve has focussed on redressing the muscle imbalance which has contributed to this problem – my shoulder is now stronger and pain free!
Steve makes me do exercises that I wouldn’t do on my own and sets me tougher targets than I would set myself – I need someone to push me beyond what is “comfortable” and Steve certainly does this!I am re-motivated about training and exercising is part of my weekly regime. Steve’s philosophy is to adopt a holistic approach, addressing life-style and diet as part of his coaching. He goes out of his way to educate his clients about skeletal and muscle structures, in order to put his exercises into context. This encourages me to try harder, even when I’m not convinced I can fulfil the challenge Steve has set me! No two weekly sessions have been the same in the last 10 months – Steve is always coming up with new exercises and new challenges which makes the sessions varied and interesting. Steve is enthusiastic and good fun, and always thinking about how to improve what he does for his clients.
Would I recommend Functional FItness UK personal training?
If you want to get fitter and stronger, exercise hard under the supervision of an expert and enjoy i recommend Steven's services.
Hilary Bowman.
Functional Fitness UK personal training locations
Functional Fitness UK is in the South East of England and covers the Paddock Wood and the surroundington areas.