By: Total Trainer Team

Diets Don't Work is a regional personal training company covering the Thames Valley and all areas West of Central London, focusing mainly on Windsor, Maidenhead, London, Sunningdale and Egham.
The Diets Don'tr Work personal training service provide both home visits and studio training, focusing on nutritional and lifestyle change, coupled with structured exercise for lasting success. Diets Don't Work currently have 12 personal trainers on our books including myself, Adam Atkinson, the founder of Diets Don't Work Personal Training.
Diets Don't Work personal training specialisms
Diets Don't Work personal training specialist expertise is really home training with minimal kit or space, and our method combines kettle bells, boss balls, bootcamp style exercises, TRX and more for a challenging workout.
Diets Don't Work personal training client testimonial
I was a fit and slim teenager but long hours desk-bound in a high pressure job combined with over-indulgent eating habits had led to an inexorable, steady increase in weight so that by my mid-50s I had weighed in around 17-19 stone for several years. While not embracing the various fad diets, I had tried to lose weight from time to time but to no avail.
A mutual friend rigged an introduction for me to Adam, founder of Diets Don’t Work and I found myself tentatively signed up for a few sessions with him. Initially, I asked him to help me get fitter rather than talk to me about losing weight, which I had no confidence in being able to do. But then the weight started coming off as well! Two years later, the results speak for themselves through the photographs. I lost nearly 8 stone (50 kgs for those who think metric!) and am fitter than I’ve been since my teenage years if not even fitter!
Achieved by a combination of exercise and sensible diet improvements and trade-offs. A growing addiction to the endorphins generated by intense exercise has forced on me a more balanced lifestyle. And it has its compensations! I’ve thrown away all my old clothes and acquired a completely new wardrobe. And my arm, leg and shoulder muscles are the envy of many friends much younger than myself.
The fitness improvements have been dramatic: I’ve gone from a wobbly plank of 11 secs to a PB of 3 mins 50 secs; from not being able to walk up a local hill without puffing to just having returned from Chile and Bolivia trekking and walking up mountains at over 5,000 metres (over 16,000 ft). I now dance, run, play badminton, kayak and still train with Adam 3 times a week. I have also discovered that I’m really good at rowing! After 4 months of hard training I managed a silver medal at the English Indoor Rowing Championships in the 60-69 age group! And the weight is staying off. It’s been a truly life-changing experience.
Unbelievable health and fitness gains
At his annual BUPA Premier Health assessment Nick was told his high cholesterol was “normal for someone his age”. I.e a bit high. Intent on changing this, he enlisted Diets Don’t Work help. Three months later, his cholesterol had fallen so much that his doctor didn’t believe it and had to double check the results.
One year in to Personal Training, Nick’s health check provides an official scientific record of his gains through exercise, motivation and nutritional improvement.
Since completing a regular exercise programme his episodes of back pain have ceased. Changes to his diet, incorporating a healthy balance of fruit and vegetables and limited saturated fat, which has been reflected by a significant improvement in his cholesterol profile. Chances of diseases like CHD (Britain’s biggest killer) have fallen dramatically as measured by follow up BUPA reports.
Nick has achieved what we hope of all clients – exercise and healthy eating are now an integral part of his life. Our sessions keep him challenged and motivated but he also uses all the tools and information that we have given him on his own and even when travelling. The 80/20 eating guide has also become habitual, allowing for nights out and general fun too, balanced by regular exercise and sensible eating.
Marathon miracle
When Frances told us of her decision to enter the New York marathon there were raised eyebrows and more than a little concern. Although she had made excellent progress over several months of personal training, losing weight and toning up, we still felt that she still needed to be lighter and fitter; we were wary that at this stage a race of this distance was not only impossible but would be damaging to her long term health. Despite our concerns she was insistent and so we began a specially designed beginners marathon programme. Having completed some middle distance runs coupled with focused strength training and flexibility work both her confidence and ability began to improve.
With lots of encouragement from her trainer and support from friends and family (who traveled with her to New York) Francy not only finished but received the inaugural “I stuck it out” award, appropriately sponsored by Duck tape. As the last person to finish before the official time cut off of 8:30 she received a fabulous medal, a sash, several pairs of free trainers, a year’s supply of duct tape and several features in the New York press. She was one of only 7 finishers to recieve a medal and is proof that anything is possible with determination, focused training and some professional expertise.